Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sky High Islands of America

How can you consider something an Island if it not surrounded by water? The Sky Islands of North America established this rare classification.

The Sky Island region covers parts of Arizona, New Mexico and Chihuahua, Mexico. The "island" consists of landlocked mountain peaks which provide a home to a wide variety of animal life.

 The animal list consists of bears and wolves to parrots and jaguars.

The ecosystem breaks down like this: the north-south line consist of temperate forests and subtropical landscapes. The east-west portion is mostly desert-like area. This unique grouping explains the jaguars and bears.

                                                 The convergence of habitats known as the Sky Island region                                                            blends together to create a rare mix of ecosystems. There are very                                                    few places on Earth with this much Bio-diversity and those rarities                                                  are being threatened by global warming.(picture courtesy                                                                of

The issues facing the Sky Island region are not unique. The increasing threat of global warming threatens to extend droughts longer than they already are. A prolonged drought to an ecosystem so complex can have dangerous consequences. 

There is also the issue of Homeland Security and border patrol. Because the Sky Island region spans over two US states and one Mexican city, there are geopolitical concerns, mainly immigration.

According to the Sky Island Alliance, the Department of Homeland Security has waived at least 30 environmental laws in order to speed up the construction of a 670 mile-wide fence along the US-Mexico border.

The Alliance claims the construction of the fence would damage the unique habitat of the Sky Island region.


Borneo: A broken record

At this point, i sound like a broken record. Yet another rainforest in danger due to deforestation in the name of economic growth. This time it is the Borneo rainforest, which is located between Indonesisa, Brunei, and Malaysia.

The narrative of the Borneo rainforest really no different than that of the everglades or the amazon. According to, deforestation has caused the decline of forest land to the tune of 1.21 million hectares a year from 1997-2000. One Hectare is equivalent to about 2.5 acres.

But there is one dark element that is unique to the Borneo land, illegal trade of endangered animals. It is not the illegal trade that is unique as much as the animal being kidnapped.

The Bornean orangutan is unique to the Borneo rainforest. According to the World Wildlife Fund, over 60 percent of the orangutan population has disappeared due to loss of habitat and hunting.

The orangutans are used for anything from pets to artifacts. An orangutan can go for as high as hundreds of thousands of dollars.

                           The Bornean orangutan is unique to the Borneo rainforest. The species has a                                low-birthrate which is troubling since they are often hunted or captured for                                  pets. Their habitat is also disappearing due to deforestation. (Picture courtesy                             of                                                 orangutan.html)

According to the World Wildlife Fund 56 percent of (protected) lowland tropical rainforest in Kalimanten were cut down between 1985 and 2001. The equivalent land mass of the country of Belgium. 



Madagascar is not as happy and chipper and the Dreamworks cartoon depicts. It is, in fact, a disappearing wonder of our world.

Madagascar is an island off the southeast coast of Africa. Much like the Everglades, Madagascar has a very unique ecosystem. This unique landscape provides a home to rare and unique animals. 

Much Like the Amazon, Deforestation and a growing population of people is causing the Madagascar forests to disappear at a rapid rate. 

A tradition in Madagascar is called Tavy. Tavy is when a family burns down a portion of rain forest to begin planting rice. This rice will provide for the family. Tavy is widely used in the island country, often considered one of the poorest countries in the world. 

According to PBS, about 80 percent of the population are subsistence farmers. At that rate it is now wonder the land forest is disappearing. Any time the survival of people hinge on the death of a forest, the forest does not stand a chance. 

In the 1980's however the Malagasy Government recognized the long-term dangers that tavy can cause to their rain forest. 

They created The National Environmental Action Plan. The project is designed to develop protected areas in order to save the unique wildlife that resides in Madagascar such as the red-ruffed lemur, only found on the Masoala Peninsula. The Masoala Peninsula is home to a 3000 square kilometer park, which protects the lemur and other rare species native to the island. 

                                          The Masoala Peninsula is home to the first major project of the                                                       National Environmental Action Plan. The project is aimed to                                                           protect precious forest land from farming and deforestation. (Picture                                             courtesy of

To make issues worse, there is political instability in Madagascar. In 2009, there was a coup to take over the existing government. Natascha Paddison, acting deputy representative for UNICEF, said, "Following the coup all aid to Madagascar was suspended. That is catastrophic for a country where foreign aid accounted for 70 percent of the national budget."


The Amazon

So far we have covered the coldest  area in Antarctica to the most diverse in the Everglades. Now we turn to another "popular" endangered area, The Amazon rain forest.

The Amazon rain forest is more culturally popular than Antarctica. Since the birth of real environmental activism, the Amazon has been the prime suspect in the fight against deforestation.

The Amazon rain forest has been the subject of movies such as Fern Gully and Avatar. Although the issues have been spelled out over the imagery of the Hollywood big screen, the problems are very real.

                                         Pictured above is the war between the activists and the logging                                                        companies. Greenpeace, an environmental activist group, discovered an                                          illegal logging site and decided to let the world know about it. (Picture                                            courtesy of

The narrative here is simple. The rain forest is clashing with economic needs of people. When this happens, the economy wins most of the time. The logging industry is vast. Even with protection, illegal logging site pop up. 

Deforestation is problematic for two reasons. The cutting down of trees is problematic because trees help to stabilize the environment, mainly the greenhouse effect. First, the trees adsorb gases and sunlight that, if they were not there, would increase global warming to an unprecedented pace. 

Secondly, you have to tear down trees, to be able to tear down trees.  This is an underrated aspect of logging. You must clear a path to process the timber. The damage is twofold. 

According to National Geographic, the world has lost more than half of its rain forests to date. The worlds rain forest used to cover 14 percent of the land on Earth. Now they only cover 6 percent. 



Perhaps the most mainstream endangered area in the world, Antarctica remains a poster for global warming.

Oddly enough, Antarctica is not known, like many other places we covered, for its biodiversity. For the most part it is a cold and nearly uninhabitable block of ice. Unfortunately, this block of ice is melting fast.

As with any area on the blog, Antarctica holds a unique and crucial place in the story of our world. As a consequence, its disappearance would spell the end for millions of people.

                                       An iceberg/glacier in the Pleneau Bay in Antarctica. Forget the practical                                        importance, the sheer beauty of these ice formations should be held in                                            deep regard. (Picture courtesy of

Antarctica holds 90 percent of the earths freshwater. The ice sheets in the north are the largest mass of ice in the world. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, if the caps were to melt, the result would be a 200 feet rise in sea level. 

How do ice caps melt? The Ice caps melt because of rising ocean water temperatures. The warmer sea water pushes itself above the ice and melts it. according to, the weight of the land ice pushes the continental shelf land inward. This creates a slide for the warm water to slide all the way down. 

A recent study of the Pine Glacier Ice shelf, one of the critical ice mass in Antarctica, shows that the ice shelf is melting at a rate as high as 2.36 meters per day. 


The Everglades National Park

The Everglades National Park is a uniquely positioned national park. The process of the fresh water from the Everglades swamp mixing with the salt water of the local mangrove creates a rare ecosystem.

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, this diverse landscape provides a home to over 20 rare, threatened, and endangered species.

Because of the diverse landscape the Everglades is able to sustain hundred of different species of animal. The site provides a breeding ground for over 400 species of birds.

                                         The Everglades National Park contains vast wetlands as well as vast                                                dry lands. Its unique ecosystem makes it unlike any national park in                                                the country. (Picture courtesy of

The Everglades is the only area in the United States that is deemed a World Heritage Site by the United Nations. 

In order to be considered a World Heritage site, the area must meet certain criteria, ten to be exact. UNESCO considers a World Heritage Site to, "Be of outstanding universal value and meet at least one out of the ten selection criteria." (

                                        The Everglades is the only World Heritage Site in the United States. It                                           holds national and universal value.                                                                                                       (Picture courtesy of

The Everglades is important not only to the animals that live there but to community that surrounds it. The land is often used by Universities to research the lives and habitats of rare and endangered species. 

The fresh water everglades is the main sources of freshwater for Miami and much of south Florida. 


Monday, December 1, 2014

The Swiss Alpine Glaciers

If the current weather trends continue the glaciers in the Swiss alps will be completely gone by 2050.

The largest Swiss alpine glaciers, the Aletsch, has receded more than 2 kilometers over the course of the 20th century. 

                                         The Aletsch is the largest glacier in the Swiss Alps. Due to recent                                                      weather trends the glacier is rapidly melting. If the glacier melts, it                                                  could cause major flooding to the surrounding towns

Roland Psenner, a fresh water scientist at the University of Innsbruck in Austria, says that about 3 percent of the glaciers ice is lost each year. According to National Geographic, in 2003 and 2006, the glaciers lost a total of 17 percent of its ice. 

This is a troubling trend to the residents who rely on the glaciers for natural lakes.

Another dangerous event is taking shape as the glaciers melt and its not just flooding. The permafrost, which acts as a glue to hold the mass of the mountains together, is failing; as a result large chunks of the mountain is falling apart.

The Ice from the glacier provides pressure on the mountain. Without that pressure, large pieces begin to fall.
                                         This chart shows the annual mass loss to the alpine glaciers due to                                                  global warming. The glaciers are rapidly disappearing, causing large                                              pieces of mountain to fall apart and roll down the mountain.

                                          The Feegletscher or Fairy Glacier. Signs of melting snow show a grim                                              picture of the future of the glacier. What was once full of fluffy                                                        white is not missing large chunks of snow.

Pictures courtesy of:


Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Maldives

The Maldives is a floating Nation that is in danger of losing its ability to float.

The nation of Maldives faces many environmental issues, not unlike almost every country in the world. If indeed the looming environmental crisis begins to take hold, no one is safe.

Brief History
Maldives is small and very unique. It is a nation made up of 1,200 islands spread across 510 miles of Indian ocean according to The Encyclopedia of Nations. 

It was a British protectorate until 1968, when it became a republic. Following its independence, President Maumoon Abdul GAYOOM dominated the political scene. he was elected to six consecutive terms as president. 

Following political demonstrations, in 2008 the first ever multi-party election was held. GAYOOM was defeated by political activists and marine scientist, Mohamed NASHEED. 

                            Former president Mohamed NASHEED. NASHEED is a marine scientist and political activist. NASHEED was forced to resign just 1 year after the elections. His Vice President was put in charge of the island nation.

The issues for Maldives are inherent. Since the country consist of Islands that are not especially high above sea level, any rise in sea level could be catastrophic. 80 percent of Maldivian land is 1 meter or less above sea level according to the world fact book.

Naturally the rising sea levels, due to recent global warming, is now threatening the livelihood of Maldivian citizens.

The Maldivian government is trying to secure a future for Maldives. The Hulumale project is an effort to raise Islands by 3 meters using sand, concrete, and shingles.

Scientists are also studying ways to re-grow coral. Coral reefs help to protect the Maldives by propping up the Islands. Due to rising sea levels, some of the reefs are being wiped out.

The sea levels are continuing to rise and Maldives is seeing first hand, the danger that future global warming can cause. 



Monday, November 10, 2014


So far we have focused on stories filled with doomsday scenarios and worst-case scenarios. For the sake of my sanity and yours, let us tell the story of Proyecto HidroAysén.

Patagonia, Chile, is home to a rich and natural environment. It is home to the Andes Mountains, rain forests, beautiful and free-flowing rivers, and various animals.

                                         The Marble Caves of Patagonia, Chile. Just one of the natural                                                                rarities in this area.  

Patagonia is a protected and untouched natural habitat. Recently, like many other sites we explored on this blog, it has faced destruction due to human growth and influence.

The HidroAysén was a proposed hydro-electric complex. The project would call for the construction of five plants, two on the Bater river and three on the Pascua River. The HidroAysén is a joint project with European energy company that will own a 51 percent stake to a 49 percent stake for Colbun SA, a Chilean company. Executives claim HidroAysén would reduce Chilean dependence on fossil fuels and provide energy to thousands of central Chileans, according to hidroaysé

                                          A Demonstration of Chilean citizens against HidroAysén.

According to,  the project would flood 14,000 acres of habitat and ranch land,displace families and disrupt national parks and reserves through the construction of transmission lines.

On June 10, The Chilean government rejected the proposal.

"This project has many aspects that were poorly though out," said Chilean Energy Minister Maximo Pacheco to the bbc.

With the loss of the project, supporters believe that Chileans lost the opportunity to wean off fossil fuels and become energy independent.


Monday, November 3, 2014

The Great Barrier Reef

Known as one of the few living structures visible from space, the Great Barrier Reef is in danger of losing some of that visibility.

The Great Barrier Reef is an ecological system that stretches almost 1,800 miles across the Australian coast, according to

The GBR is home to thousands of living organisms, including some endangered species such as the  large green sea turtle and the dugong or sea cow.

    A satellite image of the Great Barrier reef from outer space. The GBR is one of the only living             structures visible from space.  

As we have discussed in previous entries this natural wonder is at odds with current human and economic development, which may have been triggered by the rapid speed of global warming. This seems to be a continuing theme throughout the investigation of disappearing wonders on earth.

The dangers that face the reef are many. Coral bleaching is a main concern facing this historic natural wonder.

Before we understand coral bleaching, we must take a look at corals.

A coral is actually classified as an animal and not a plant. The only reason why this animal, which holds many characteristics of a plant, is classified as such is because it cannot produce its own food. Instead the coral has tiny, tentacle like arms that capture microorganisms for food.

Beside the act of hunting, a coral looks and acts like a plant. It takes root on a rock or hard surface much like a plant does. It lacks the physical features of an animal however.

Most coral contain algae called zooxanthellae. This algae plays a critical role in the survival of the coral. While the coral provides the algae with food from its waste, the algae provides the coral with oxygen and waste removal.

Because of rising sea levels and temperatures, zooxanthellae find it more difficult to survive, thus interrupting the relationship. Coral bleaching occurs when the algae inside the corals are killed, and the coral begins to turn white. This death is often caused by an extreme rise in temperature.


Monday, October 27, 2014

[De] Forest [Station]


Deforestation can be caused by a number of reasons, natural and unnatural. 

Deforestation is defined as "the action or process of clearing of forests." ( One of the main reasons used to clear natural forest land is for agricultural purposes. Farmers will clear forest land to expand land for farming and grazing. 

The process of deforestation can have many effects on the environment and natural habitats for the species living in the forests. It is estimated that 70 percent of all land animals and plants live in forests according to National 

The process of deforestation can have a profound effect on the natural inhabitants of the area. A study done by Kenneth Feely, published for the Global Change Biology journal, states that Amazonia,  which makes up half of the total global tropical forest area, had lost 15 percent of total forest cover by 2002.The report also estimated that, "By 2050, The loss of habitat area is predicted to increase to 26 percent or 47 percent under simulated progressions of increased governance (GOV) or business-as-usual (BAU) deforestation, respectively (Soares-Filho et al., 2006). ("Global Change Biology", 2012, 18, pg. 2,637)

                                        An  off-putting example of deforestation. 

At one point during the preagricultural period, forests covered up to 50 percent of Earth's land ("World at Risk" 241).  That number was down to 30 percent in 2007 according to the "State of the World's Forest" report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 

As of 2010, the number has risen to 31 percent according to rise can be attributed to forest preservation efforts and replanting initiatives. 


"World at Risk: Second Edition, CQ Press, Chapter 11, "Deforestation."

" Feely, Kenneth J., "Global change biology" journal, "The relative importance of 
 deforestation, precipitation change, and temperature sensitivity in determining the future distributions and diversity of Amazonian plant species."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Dead (Dying) Sea

The Dead Sea is one of the most iconic bodies of water in human history. Predictably, it is in danger of disappearing from the earth completely.

People will remember the Dead Sea for two reasons: The Dead Sea Scrolls and the amount of salt contained in the water. It is also the lowest elevated body of water on earth. The Dead Sea lies 1300 feet below sea level.

Also referred to as the "Salt Sea," the body of water contains no forms of life except for bacteria. Often times fish get carried into the Dead Sea from the Jordan river and are killed almost immediately.

                     Thousands of people, tourists and local citizens, use the Dead Sea as a natural                                       spa.

The Dead Sea is an important part of  the middle-eastern economic and religious culture. Both Jewish and Christian religions revere the Dead Sea. It is also used as a main tourist attraction due to its high buoyancy due to the Dead Seas saline levels. Human beings are able to effortlessly float in the sea. 

But with all of its attraction, the sea is slowly draining. According to a article that chronicled the Dead Sea decline, the sea has shrunk from 50 miles long in 1950 to 30 miles long today.

Environmentalists blame Israeli and Jordanian companies that use the Dead Sea to extract Potash, a raw component used in fertilizer.  Since the Dead Sea borders both Jordan and Israel, it is used by both companies for economic purposes.

The Dead Sea is 'fed' by a number of fresh water sources. A combination of Israel, Jordan, and Syria siphon enough water from the surrounding bodies of water that feed the Dead Sea to cause it to dry up.

The rivers Jordan, Karmut, and Lake Kinneret are all sources of water for the Dead Sea. these three bodies of water are all heavily used by Jordan, Israel, and Syria. This is causing the sea to rapidly disappear, causing terrifying consequences for the ecosystem surrounding the sea.

One of these consequences is the rising number of sinkholes around the dried up areas in the Dead Sea. When fresh water combines with the salt deposits it cause the ground to dissolve and create a sinkhole.

In 1990 there were 40 sinkholes. Today there are over 3,000 sinkholes and counting. At the current rate, one sinkhole is created almost everyday.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Mortgaging our future: The Ogallala Aquifer

When we hear the song "God Bless America", and the portion involving the "Amber Waves of Grain," people in the midwest pump their chest out with pride. If the Ogallala aquifer, the secret to the success of midwest farming, dries up then chest swelling may deflate to a flat chest, devoid of pride.

The Ogallala Aquifer is a natural water deposit that helps farmers grow their crops in an area that covers eight states. The aquifer is responsible for the success of Americas rich and plentiful farmlands across the midwest.

According to the Water Encyclopedia, The Ogallala Aquifer covers 174,000 square miles across eight states. It also provides the High Plains region with nearly all of the water for agriculture, industrial, and residential use.

The aquifer is the key system used in a vast region of America's heartland. Recently, efforts have been made to cut back the usage of this aquifer in order to prevent it from drying up and/or becoming polluted.

According to the USDA, The aquifer accounts for 30 percent of all water used in the country.

                   One of the main concern regarding the aquifer is the current over usage by the                              agriculture, industrial, and residential sectors.

According to a U.S. Geological Survey study from 2000-2008, the aquifer was over drafted by an average of 10.2 Kilometers, or roughly 2 percent of the volume of water in Lake Eerie.

The Ogallala Aquifer recharges itself by collecting rainfall and snowmelt. As you can imagine, this is a relatively slow and natural process. Due to the rapid rise in agriculture since 1940, we have been over drafting from the 10 million year-old system for decades.

Other Links:

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Indiana('s) Bat

The Bat

The Indiana Bats population has been cut in half since its placement on the endangered species list in 1967.

The Indiana Bat is a species of bat that is scattered across the eastern United States. The name "Indiana Bat" was given to the species not because they are exclusive to Indiana (which they are not), but because they were discovered and first observed in a cave in southern Indiana.

Although, Indiana does play a significant role in the species origin and survival. According to, about half of the species (207,000 in 2005) hibernate in caves in southern Indiana.

The Indiana Bat, or Myotis Sodolis, prefers the damp, cool, environment of southern Indiana's caves. The Myotis Sodolis is a very social species of bat. They tend to gather in large groups to hibernate.

The fact that the Indiana Bat gathers in large groups combined with a devastating fungus and human interruption have caused a massive decrease in the population.

                                          A gathering of Indiana Bats. The bats gather in these groups during                                                       hibernation in abandoned mines or caves. 

White Nose Syndrome

White-nose syndrome, or WNS, is a fungus that affects hibernating bats. The fungus' scientific name is Pseudogymnoascus destructans. According to, the syndrome has killed over a million bats since its discovery in 2006. 

Bats that are affected by WNS develop a white ring around the its nose, hence the name 'White-nose syndrome.' Because the bats gather in such large groups, they are more susceptible to the disease by rapid spreading. 
                                          A brown bat with White-nose syndrome (WNS). 
                                          The fungus is found in caves where the bats hibernates. 

Another issue affecting the bats is human interruption of the bats hibernation process. When the bat is prematurely awakened from their hibernation, they use precious energy needed to survive during the winter. 

Possible Solutions

When a species is listed under the Endangered Species Act, a, "Action Plan" is required to help move the species out of the endangered category. The plan is reviewed every five years to mark the progress of the species. 

Within those plans, we discover the bats 'critical habitat.' A critical habitat is designated as any area that is vital for the bats survival. Some caves and mines have been designated as critical to the Indiana Bat. 

For more information visit:

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Invasive Species (Not just humans).

The threat to a delicate ecosystem can include many things. One of the main threats often are invasive species. This term is very broad and can refer to many different species of animals and plants.

Invasive species can "invade" any area and immediately threaten the balance of the ecosystem. Below is the brown tree snake, an invasive species to the pacific island of Guam. 
The brown tree snake began to show up in Guam sometime between the 40s and 50s. No one knows exactly how the snake invaded Guam, although speculation is that it traveled here accidentally on imported human cargo. 

The snake is native to Indonesia, Australia, and Papua New Guinea. It has become highly invasive since arriving to the island. 

It has completely wiped out species of birds in Guam. One of its most famous victims is the Guam Rail pictured below. 
The Guam rail is important because it is only found in Guam. The brown tree snake has effectively wiped out any trace of the Guam Rail in the wild. Any trace of the Guam Rail now lies in specially managed habitats by Guam's government. 

The brown tree snake multiplies fast. According to National Geographic's Dan Stone, who wrote an article on the invasive species, the brown tree snake population in Guam is estimated to be around one million. 

The threat of the snake to Guam is real and nationally recognized. In 2013, The U.S. government dropped 2,000 dead mice on the island. The mice were filled with acetaminophen, commonly found in Tylenol, and is poison to the snake. Many native Guamanian are skeptical that the project will truly rid the island of the snake.  

The problem which most concerns the U.S. government is the eventual spread of the snake to Hawaii, which rely on its natural plants and species as a tourist attraction. So far there is no trace of the snake in other islands, but it is only a matter of time until the snake accidentally makes it on a piece of cargo or a humans suitcase. 

Even if the snake is eradicated, there are still many other invasive species of plants and animals that threaten the ecosystem of Guam. According to the Global Invasive Species Database, there are currently 129 invasive species in Guam. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Glacier Park

I'm going to ask each reader to follow me here, Google Glacier Park. What do you see? ok, I'll go first...

I see four lodging websites, one rafting website and the parks official government page. I can tell you what I don't see...a link to a story, any story, that describes the danger that Glacier Park is in.

I vaguely understand the business model behind Google and the obvious reasons why a website describing the endangered aspect to the park is not front and center. I can help you out on that subject.

According to the Guardian, 96-97 percent of climate experts believe that humans are largely responsible for the stark increase in global warming since the 1950s. Global warming can claim many victims and Glacier National Park is becoming a part of the grim list.

Glacier National Park is located in West Glacier, Montana. It is home 1,200 species of native plants, more than 240 species of birds and more than 65 species of native mammals. The park boosts hundreds of miles of trails.

Unfortunately the glaciers in this park are rapidly disappearing due to climate change. Ken Burns, noted author and historian, said, "The great sadness of Glacier National Park is that it's probably going to be true that fairly soon, we're going to call it 'The national park formerly known as glacier.'"

The park is under increasing stress from global warming and economic pressure. The good news is that the park does have protectors.  According to The National Parks Conservation Association, On February 19, 2010, Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer and British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell signed an agreement that promises to protect the Flathead River Valley from types of mining and oil and gas extraction.

If you have a second, stroll through some images of Glacier National Park. See natural pictures that cannot be duplicated or enhanced by technology.

The park may be facing an inevitable demise at the hands of humankind, but we need not speed up the process. For more information on how to help conserve the Glacier Park, please visit or visit the for information on other conservation efforts around the world.

Other sources include:

Monday, September 8, 2014


The fault in our rapid growth is the toll it takes on our land. Beautiful and rare spots on our earth are disappearing right before our eyes. From the rapid decline of Glacier Park in Montana or the imminent threat to Mounds State Park in east central Indiana, the natural rarities of our hometowns are being threatened for the sake of economic  and population growth.

This blog will introduce the audience to the different places around the world that are rapidly disappearing due to rising populations and economic opportunities. I will cover different initiatives that are fighting to save these rare land gems. 

I want to paint a landscape of natural parks, nature preserves, and rare spots around the world while alerting the public to the dangers that we pose to these areas. Once they are gone, they can never come back. 

I will also post a weekly quote from different activists in an effort to pump up the crowd. 

Rosewood trees- In danger of extinction from illegal logging.