Sunday, October 5, 2014

Indiana('s) Bat

The Bat

The Indiana Bats population has been cut in half since its placement on the endangered species list in 1967.

The Indiana Bat is a species of bat that is scattered across the eastern United States. The name "Indiana Bat" was given to the species not because they are exclusive to Indiana (which they are not), but because they were discovered and first observed in a cave in southern Indiana.

Although, Indiana does play a significant role in the species origin and survival. According to, about half of the species (207,000 in 2005) hibernate in caves in southern Indiana.

The Indiana Bat, or Myotis Sodolis, prefers the damp, cool, environment of southern Indiana's caves. The Myotis Sodolis is a very social species of bat. They tend to gather in large groups to hibernate.

The fact that the Indiana Bat gathers in large groups combined with a devastating fungus and human interruption have caused a massive decrease in the population.

                                          A gathering of Indiana Bats. The bats gather in these groups during                                                       hibernation in abandoned mines or caves. 

White Nose Syndrome

White-nose syndrome, or WNS, is a fungus that affects hibernating bats. The fungus' scientific name is Pseudogymnoascus destructans. According to, the syndrome has killed over a million bats since its discovery in 2006. 

Bats that are affected by WNS develop a white ring around the its nose, hence the name 'White-nose syndrome.' Because the bats gather in such large groups, they are more susceptible to the disease by rapid spreading. 
                                          A brown bat with White-nose syndrome (WNS). 
                                          The fungus is found in caves where the bats hibernates. 

Another issue affecting the bats is human interruption of the bats hibernation process. When the bat is prematurely awakened from their hibernation, they use precious energy needed to survive during the winter. 

Possible Solutions

When a species is listed under the Endangered Species Act, a, "Action Plan" is required to help move the species out of the endangered category. The plan is reviewed every five years to mark the progress of the species. 

Within those plans, we discover the bats 'critical habitat.' A critical habitat is designated as any area that is vital for the bats survival. Some caves and mines have been designated as critical to the Indiana Bat. 

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