Monday, October 27, 2014

[De] Forest [Station]


Deforestation can be caused by a number of reasons, natural and unnatural. 

Deforestation is defined as "the action or process of clearing of forests." ( One of the main reasons used to clear natural forest land is for agricultural purposes. Farmers will clear forest land to expand land for farming and grazing. 

The process of deforestation can have many effects on the environment and natural habitats for the species living in the forests. It is estimated that 70 percent of all land animals and plants live in forests according to National 

The process of deforestation can have a profound effect on the natural inhabitants of the area. A study done by Kenneth Feely, published for the Global Change Biology journal, states that Amazonia,  which makes up half of the total global tropical forest area, had lost 15 percent of total forest cover by 2002.The report also estimated that, "By 2050, The loss of habitat area is predicted to increase to 26 percent or 47 percent under simulated progressions of increased governance (GOV) or business-as-usual (BAU) deforestation, respectively (Soares-Filho et al., 2006). ("Global Change Biology", 2012, 18, pg. 2,637)

                                        An  off-putting example of deforestation. 

At one point during the preagricultural period, forests covered up to 50 percent of Earth's land ("World at Risk" 241).  That number was down to 30 percent in 2007 according to the "State of the World's Forest" report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 

As of 2010, the number has risen to 31 percent according to rise can be attributed to forest preservation efforts and replanting initiatives. 


"World at Risk: Second Edition, CQ Press, Chapter 11, "Deforestation."

" Feely, Kenneth J., "Global change biology" journal, "The relative importance of 
 deforestation, precipitation change, and temperature sensitivity in determining the future distributions and diversity of Amazonian plant species."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Dead (Dying) Sea

The Dead Sea is one of the most iconic bodies of water in human history. Predictably, it is in danger of disappearing from the earth completely.

People will remember the Dead Sea for two reasons: The Dead Sea Scrolls and the amount of salt contained in the water. It is also the lowest elevated body of water on earth. The Dead Sea lies 1300 feet below sea level.

Also referred to as the "Salt Sea," the body of water contains no forms of life except for bacteria. Often times fish get carried into the Dead Sea from the Jordan river and are killed almost immediately.

                     Thousands of people, tourists and local citizens, use the Dead Sea as a natural                                       spa.

The Dead Sea is an important part of  the middle-eastern economic and religious culture. Both Jewish and Christian religions revere the Dead Sea. It is also used as a main tourist attraction due to its high buoyancy due to the Dead Seas saline levels. Human beings are able to effortlessly float in the sea. 

But with all of its attraction, the sea is slowly draining. According to a article that chronicled the Dead Sea decline, the sea has shrunk from 50 miles long in 1950 to 30 miles long today.

Environmentalists blame Israeli and Jordanian companies that use the Dead Sea to extract Potash, a raw component used in fertilizer.  Since the Dead Sea borders both Jordan and Israel, it is used by both companies for economic purposes.

The Dead Sea is 'fed' by a number of fresh water sources. A combination of Israel, Jordan, and Syria siphon enough water from the surrounding bodies of water that feed the Dead Sea to cause it to dry up.

The rivers Jordan, Karmut, and Lake Kinneret are all sources of water for the Dead Sea. these three bodies of water are all heavily used by Jordan, Israel, and Syria. This is causing the sea to rapidly disappear, causing terrifying consequences for the ecosystem surrounding the sea.

One of these consequences is the rising number of sinkholes around the dried up areas in the Dead Sea. When fresh water combines with the salt deposits it cause the ground to dissolve and create a sinkhole.

In 1990 there were 40 sinkholes. Today there are over 3,000 sinkholes and counting. At the current rate, one sinkhole is created almost everyday.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Mortgaging our future: The Ogallala Aquifer

When we hear the song "God Bless America", and the portion involving the "Amber Waves of Grain," people in the midwest pump their chest out with pride. If the Ogallala aquifer, the secret to the success of midwest farming, dries up then chest swelling may deflate to a flat chest, devoid of pride.

The Ogallala Aquifer is a natural water deposit that helps farmers grow their crops in an area that covers eight states. The aquifer is responsible for the success of Americas rich and plentiful farmlands across the midwest.

According to the Water Encyclopedia, The Ogallala Aquifer covers 174,000 square miles across eight states. It also provides the High Plains region with nearly all of the water for agriculture, industrial, and residential use.

The aquifer is the key system used in a vast region of America's heartland. Recently, efforts have been made to cut back the usage of this aquifer in order to prevent it from drying up and/or becoming polluted.

According to the USDA, The aquifer accounts for 30 percent of all water used in the country.

                   One of the main concern regarding the aquifer is the current over usage by the                              agriculture, industrial, and residential sectors.

According to a U.S. Geological Survey study from 2000-2008, the aquifer was over drafted by an average of 10.2 Kilometers, or roughly 2 percent of the volume of water in Lake Eerie.

The Ogallala Aquifer recharges itself by collecting rainfall and snowmelt. As you can imagine, this is a relatively slow and natural process. Due to the rapid rise in agriculture since 1940, we have been over drafting from the 10 million year-old system for decades.

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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Indiana('s) Bat

The Bat

The Indiana Bats population has been cut in half since its placement on the endangered species list in 1967.

The Indiana Bat is a species of bat that is scattered across the eastern United States. The name "Indiana Bat" was given to the species not because they are exclusive to Indiana (which they are not), but because they were discovered and first observed in a cave in southern Indiana.

Although, Indiana does play a significant role in the species origin and survival. According to, about half of the species (207,000 in 2005) hibernate in caves in southern Indiana.

The Indiana Bat, or Myotis Sodolis, prefers the damp, cool, environment of southern Indiana's caves. The Myotis Sodolis is a very social species of bat. They tend to gather in large groups to hibernate.

The fact that the Indiana Bat gathers in large groups combined with a devastating fungus and human interruption have caused a massive decrease in the population.

                                          A gathering of Indiana Bats. The bats gather in these groups during                                                       hibernation in abandoned mines or caves. 

White Nose Syndrome

White-nose syndrome, or WNS, is a fungus that affects hibernating bats. The fungus' scientific name is Pseudogymnoascus destructans. According to, the syndrome has killed over a million bats since its discovery in 2006. 

Bats that are affected by WNS develop a white ring around the its nose, hence the name 'White-nose syndrome.' Because the bats gather in such large groups, they are more susceptible to the disease by rapid spreading. 
                                          A brown bat with White-nose syndrome (WNS). 
                                          The fungus is found in caves where the bats hibernates. 

Another issue affecting the bats is human interruption of the bats hibernation process. When the bat is prematurely awakened from their hibernation, they use precious energy needed to survive during the winter. 

Possible Solutions

When a species is listed under the Endangered Species Act, a, "Action Plan" is required to help move the species out of the endangered category. The plan is reviewed every five years to mark the progress of the species. 

Within those plans, we discover the bats 'critical habitat.' A critical habitat is designated as any area that is vital for the bats survival. Some caves and mines have been designated as critical to the Indiana Bat. 

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